Monday, 7 October 2013

"Accidents hurt - Safety doesn't."

Industrial safety performance progressively and measurably improved in terms of reduction of re-portable accidents at work, occupational diseases, environmental incidents and accident-related production losses. “Incident elimination” and “learning from failures” cultures embedded in design, maintenance and operation at all levels in enterprises. Structured self-regulated safety programs in all major industry sectors in all European countries. Measurable performance targets for accident elimination and accident free mind set workplaces as the norm in Europe.
The initiative “
Safe Future - Safe innovation for a competitive and sustainable future” is organized around 4 pillars that will bring innovative and sustainable solutions to the European Grand Challenges the 4 pillars:
  • Safe Infrastructure, to address e.g.: life extension of process plants, transport infrastructures, power plants, off-shore platforms…; intensification of natural catastrophes due to climate change; design and monitoring for long term operation for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS); monitoring, protection and security of critical infrastructures…
  • Safe Energy, to address e.g.: safety of the use of new energy carriers for vehicles (FEV, fuel cells, CNG, bio fuels…); safety for the green energy technologies (wind mills, photo voltaic panels, concentrating solar power (CSP)…); making the underground transport infrastructure compatible with the new energy carriers; combining pan European transport infrastructures and smart high power electricity grids…
  • Safe Products and Production, to address e.g.: development of the European Factory of the Future, by managing emerging risks through new integrated solutions (safety systems, advanced personal protective equipment  new organizational models, ergonomics, etc.); enabling higher productivity under better workplaces; safety for the green jobs; safe production and use of nonmaterial’s…
  • Traversal issues, to solve existing challenges for sustainable integration, interaction and risk governance such as: difficulties in putting together different risk mitigation policies and ensuring their compatibility (Risk-Risk trade-offs), Multi-risk and inter-dependencies of risks in a global competitive market…

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Interior Designer implies that there is more of an emphasis on Planning, Functional design and effective use of space involved in this profession, as compared to interior decorating. An interior designer can undertake projects that include arranging the basic layout of spaces within a building as well as projects that require an understanding of technical issues such as acoustics, lighting, temperature, etc.Although an interior designer may create the layout of a space, they may not alter load-bearing walls without having their designs stamped for approval by an architect. Interior Designers often work directly with architectural firms.
An interior designer may wish to specialize in a particular type of interior design in order to develop technical knowledge specific to that area. Types of interior design include residential design, commercial design, hospitality design, healthcare design, universal design, exhibition design, spatial branding, etc. The profession of Interior Design is relatively new, constantly evolving, and often confusing to the public. It is an art form that is consistently changing and evolving. Not only is it an art, but it also relies on research from many fields to provide a well-trained designer's understanding of how people are influenced by their environments. NCIDQ, the board for Interior Design qualifications, defines the profession in the best way: The Professional Interior Designer is qualified by education, experience, examination to enhance the function and quality of interior spaces.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Within industry, piping is a system of pipes used to convey fluids (liquids and gases) from one location to another. The engineering discipline of piping design studies the efficient transport of fluid.

Industrial process piping (and accompanying in-line components) can be manufactured from wood, fiberglass, glass, steel, aluminum, plastic, copper, and concrete. The in-line components, known as fittings, valves, and other devices, typically sense and control the pressure, flow rate and temperature of the transmitted fluid, and usually are included in the field of Piping Design (or Piping Engineering). Piping systems are documented in piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs). If necessary, pipes can be cleaned by the tube cleaning process.

"Piping" sometimes refers to Piping Design, the detailed specification of the physical piping layout within a process plant or commercial building. In earlier days, this was sometimes called Drafting, Technical drawing, Engineering Drawing, and Design but is today commonly performed by Designers who have learned to use automated Computer Aided Drawing / Computer Aided Design (CAD) software.